Publications and Reports
Publications and Reports

Scientific Papers – 2024
King, R. A., Hillman, R., Boyle, J. & Stevens, J. R. (in press). Genetic data confirms the presence of juvenile Alosa alosa in the estuary of the River Tamar. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries.
Gillson, J. P., Blackwell, R. E., Gregory, S. D., Marsh, J. E., Bašić, T., Elliot, S. A. M., King, R. A., Maxwell, D. L., Riley, W. D., Stevens, J. R., Walker, A. M., & Lauridsen, R. B. (Submitted). Do the biological characteristics and behaviours of spring migrating trout (Salmo trutta) smolts influence their maiden marine sojourn duration? Submitted to Journal of Fish Biology (Special issue on smoltification) Feb 2024.
Vanhove, M., King, R. A., Meslier, L., Besnard, A.-L., Stevens, J., & Launey, S. (Submitted) Gene flow and migration routes in Salmo trutta L.: toward developing protected area systems in the English Channel. Submitted to Molecular Ecology Jan 2024
Artero, C., Strøm, J. F., Bennett, G., Beaumont, W. A., Lecointre, T., Cirot, A., Scott, L. J., Beaumont, W. R. C., Josset, Q., Reveillac, E., & Lauridsen, R. (Submitted) Geolocations of sea trout kelts in the France English Channel marine feeding habitats of sea trout kelts in the English Channel. Submitted to Animal Biotelemetry Feb 2024.

Scientific Papers published – 2023
Gregory, S. D., Gillson, J. P., Whitlock, K., Barry, J., Gough, P., Hillman, R. J., Mee, D., Peirson, G., Shields, B., Talks, L., Toms, S., Walker, A. M., Wilson, B., & Davidson, I.C. (2023). Atlantic salmon rod exploitation rate estimation for principal salmon rivers in England & Wales. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 80: 2504-2519.
Artero, C., Gregory, S. D., Beaumont, W. A., Josset, Q., Jeannot, N., Cole, A., Réveillac, E., & Lauridsen, R. B. (2023) Survival of Atlantic salmon and sea trout smolts in transitional waters. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Tréhin, C., Rivot, E., Santanbien, V., Patin, R., Gregory S. D., Lamireau, L., Marchand, F., Beaumont, W. R. C., Scott, L. J., Hillman, R., Besnard, A-L., Boisson, P-Y., King, A. R., Meslier, L., Stevens, J. R., & Nevoux, M. (2023) A multi-population approach supports common patterns in marine growth and maturation decision in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) from southern Europe. Journal of Fish Biology. 104: 125-138.
Vanhove, M., & Launey, S. (2023) Estimating resistance surfaces using gradient forest and allelic frequencies. Molecular Ecology Resources.
Contribution to Reports published – 2023
ICES (2023) Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon (WGNAS). ICES Scientific Reports. 5:41. 478pp.
ICES (2023) The Second ICES/NASCO Workshop on Salmon Mortality at Sea (WKSalmon2; outputs from 2022 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports. 5:36. 69pp.

Scientific Papers published – 2022
King, R.A., Toms, S., and Stevens, J.R., (2022) Evaluating the importance of accurate sex ratios on egg deposition targets and conservation limit compliance for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the River Tamar, south-west England. Fisheries Management & Ecology. 30: 161-170.
Osmond, D. R., King, R. A., Stockley, B., Launey, S., & Stevens, J. R. (2022) A low-density single nucleotide polymorphism panel for brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) suitable for exploring genetic diversity at a range of spatial scales. Journal of Fish Biology. 102: 258-270.

Scientific Papers published – 2021
King, R. A., & Stevens, J. R. (2021) Development of SNP markers derived from RAD sequencing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) inhabiting the rivers of southern England. Conservation Genetics Resources 13: 369-373
Marsh, J. E., Lauridsen, R. B., Riley, W.D., Simmons, O.M., Artero, C., Scott, L. J., Beaumont, W. R. C., Beaumont, W. A., Davy-Bowker, J., Lecointre, T., Roberts, D., Gregory, S. D. (2021). Warm winters and cool springs negatively influence recruitment of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in southern England chalk stream. Journal of Fish Biology. 99:1125-1129.
Simmons, O. M., Britton, J. R., Gillingham, P. K., Nevoux, M., Riley, W. D., Rivot, E., Gregory, S. D. (2021) Predicting how environmental conditions and smolt body length when entering the marine environment impact individual Atlantic salmon Salmo salar adult return rates. Journal of Fish Biology. 101(2), 378–388.
Simmons, O. M., Gregory, S. D., Gillingham, P. K., Riley, W. D., Scott, L. J., Britton, J. R. (2021) Biological and environmental influences on the migration phenology of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts in a chalk stream in southern England. Freshwater Biology: 66: 1581-1594.
Tréhin, C., Rivot, E., Lamireau, L., Meslier, L., Besnard, A.-L., Gregory, S. D. & Nevoux, M. (2021). Growth during the first summer at sea modulates sex-specific maturation schedule in Atlantic salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 78:659-669.
Hernvann, P.-Y., Patin, R., Guitton, J., Olmos, M., Etienne, M.-P., Labouyrie, M., Bezier, L., Rivot, E. (2021) WGNAS-SalmoGlob ToolBox: a web application for supporting Atlantic salmon stock assessment at the North Atlantic basin scale. ICES WGNAS Working Paper 2021/27, 22th March – 1st April 2021. 41 pp.
Download WP_2021_26
Rivot, E., Patin, R., Olmos, M., Chaput, G., & Hernvann, P-Y. (2021) A hierarchical Bayesian life cycle model for Atlantic salmon stock assessment at the North Atlantic basin scale. ICES WGNAS Working Paper 2021/26, 22th March – 1st April 2021. 99 pp.
Download WP_2021_27

Scientific Papers published – 2020
King RA & Stevens JR (2020). An improved genetic sex test for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Conservation Genetics Resources 12: 191-193.
King RA, Stockley B & Stevens JR (2020). Small streams – critical reservoirs of genetic diversity for trout (Salmo trutta L.) in the face of increasing anthropogenic stressors. Ecology & Evolution 10: 5651-5669.
Simmons, O. M., Britton, J. R., Gillingham, P. K. & Gregory, S. D. (2020). Influence of environmental and biological factors on the over-winter growth rate of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr in a UK chalk stream. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 29:665-678.
Olmos, M., Payne, M. R., Nevoux, M., Prévost, E., Chaput, G., Du Pontavice, H., Guitton, J., Sheehan, T., Mills, K., & Rivot, E. (2020). Spatial synchrony in the response of a long range migratory species (Salmo salar) to climate change in the North Atlantic Ocean. Global Change Biology, 26(1319 1337).

Scientific Papers published – 2019
Gregory, S. D., Ibbotson, A. T., Riley, W. D., Nevoux, M., et al. (2019). Atlantic salmon return rate increases with smolt length. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 76:1702-1712.

Scientific Papers published – 2018
Paris JR, Sherman KD, Bell E, Boulenger C, Delord C, El-Mahdi MBM, Fairfield EA, Griffiths AM, Gutmann Roberts C, Hedger RD, Holman LE, Hooper LH, Humphries NE, Katsiadaki I, King RA, Lemopoulos, A, Payne CJ, Peirson G, Richter KK, Taylor MI, Trueman CN, Hayden B & Stevens JR (2018). Understanding and managing fish populations: keeping the toolbox fit for purpose. Journal of Fish Biology 92: 727-751.
Riley, W. D., Ibbotson, A. T., Gregory, S. D., Russell, I. C., et al. (2018). Under what circumstances does the capture and tagging of wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts affect probability of return as adults? Journal of Fish Biology, 93:477-489.

PhD Thesis Completed
Tréhin, C., 2022. Response of migratory salmonid populations to global changes. Role of growth in life history strategies and population dynamics in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Doctoral thesis from the National Institute of Higher Education for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, Agrocampus Ouest internal school. Specialty Ecology and Evolution. 292 p.
Simmons, O., 2022. Predicting how the juvenile life-stages of anadromous Atlantic salmon Salmo salar influence their migration phenology and marine survival. Doctoral Thesis. Bournemouth University.

In Preparation
Vanhove M., King RA, Stevens J., Launey S (…). Gene flow and migration routes in Salmo trutta L.: toward developing protected area systems in the English Channel. In prep.
Trehin C., Nevoux M., Bolstad G., Czorlich Y., Patin R., Day L., Prévost E., Buoro, M., Silve, V., Gregory S.D., and Rivot E. Beyond return rates: assessing the contribution of survival, maturation schedule and the influence of growth to Atlantic salmon smolt return rates. In prep.
Artero, C., Strøm, J. F., Bennett, G., Beaumont, W. A., Lecointre, T., Cirot, A., Scott, L. J., Beaumont, W. R. C., Josset, Q., Reveillac, E., Lauridsen, R. On the tracks of marine feeding habitats of sea trout kelts in the English Channel. In prep.
Artero, C., Lecointre, T., Beaumont, W. A., Reveillac, E., Lauridsen, R. Diving behaviour of sea trout kelts in the English Channel. In prep.
Artero, C., Beaumont, W. A., Reveillac, E., Lauridsen, R. Mortality of sea trout kelts during their marine phase: reasons and locations. In prep.
Simmons, O. M., Britton, J. R., Gillingham, P. K., Nevoux, M., Rivot, E., Armstrong, J. D., Buoro, M., Haraldstad, T., Patrick G. Gargan, M. M., Reich, T., Riley, W. D., Skaala, Ø., & Gregory, S. D. (in prep). Adult return rates of the anadromous Atlantic salmon: Influences of smolt length across a latitudinal gradient. Global Change Biology.